

The 大学心理咨询和健康中心 (UCWC) takes a goal-focused and collaborative approach to mental health 服务 with our students and campus community. 我们努力 to empower USA students to learn the skills they need to address and manage their mental health concerns so that they can succeed personally and academically during 他们在美国和其他地方的时间. 我们也努力教育校园社区十大玩彩信誉平台 the psychological and developmental needs of USA students through community-level 干预措施,包括外联规划和咨询.

On average, students who visit UCWC attend 3-5 counseling sessions per year, although 这一点每个学生都不一样. 虽然没有严格的会话限制, our clinicians must operate from a goal-focused model in order to provide 服务 给尽可能多的学生.

在 a first session, called the initial consultation, the student and counselor will discuss presenting concerns and develop a plan for 服务 to be utilized. It is very likely that this plan will include either individual counseling, group counseling, referral to other campus Resources, referral to a community provider or self-help Resources. If the plan for 服务 includes individual counseling, the student will be assigned a specific counselor and scheduled for an intake session with that clinician. Together, the student and clinician will work to develop a treatment plan which includes 咨询的具体目标. 实际的治疗方案会因学生而异 学生. It is common for our providers to see students every 2 weeks once counseling work has been established in order to encourage them to practice skills in between sessions and to become more autonomous as they navigate the USA environment. 请 请随意探索我们的 网站 以进一步了解本中心的服务.


Although there are no session limits, we are mindful of the types of concerns we are equipped to help with in our center, which is referred to as our “scope of 服务.” Generally, UCWC offers individual mental health 服务 for USA students to help with a wide-range of mental health concerns; however, there are situations (concerns that are outside of our scope of practice) where a referral to a community provider 会对学生最有利吗. 这是我们帮助学生联系的时候 to other sources of care, often by helping identify providers that they would be interested 在如何建立这些联系方面提供帮助. 一般来说,例子 of concerns that are outside of our scope of practice include the following: 

  • 学生 who require at least weekly or more than weekly 服务 for an extended 时间段
  • 需要经常使用危机干预的学生
  • 学生 who present a chronic, ongoing risk of harm to self or others, and whose symptoms do not respond to outpatient crisis intervention or require specialized 服务. This includes students with a history of multiple hospitalizations, chronic suicidality, 有杀人倾向,和/或有多次自杀企图的历史
  • 学生 presenting with a concern or disorder that requires expertise or Resources 在我们中心没有足够的可用性. 例子包括:法院命令/强制 assessments and treatment, forensic assessments, and intensive treatment for eating 障碍
  • 学生 who are noncompliant with treatment as defined by excessive no shows, repeated stops and starts to counseling and/or repeated requests to change providers
  • 学生 who attend counseling but fail to follow the treatment plan, fail to make 有任何进展,还是不愿意设定治疗目标
  • 学生 who engage in inappropriate, harassing, menacing, threatening, or violent 对待员工的态度

紧急护理 & 危机稳定

All students enrolled at USA are eligible for urgent care and crisis stabilization 服务. In situations where you are in imminent danger of harming yourself or someone else, please contact the 大学心理咨询和健康中心 during our normal 办公时间(上午8:00.m. 至下午5时.m.电话:(251)460-7051. 在 non-business hours, contact the University Police at (251) 460-6312 and they will 适当时通知随叫随到的辅导员.


Due to state-to-state licensing laws, UCWC counselors are unable to provide tele-mental health counseling 学生s residing in other states and countries.

If you reside in a state or country outside of the state of Alabama, we can help you 连接社区内的Resources. UCWC能够提供一个简短的案例管理 appointment via phone, Zoom, or in-person to provide guidance in seeking 服务 在你的区域.