USA/USM/SELU 研究 Mini-Conference



The USA/USM/SELU research mini-conference is a (very) regional one-day meeting, featuring research presentations in the physical and mathematical sciences from students and faculty from universities in the Gulf Coast area. A principal goal of this conference is to involve undergraduate students in research and provide an opportunity for them 展示他们的作品. There is no conference fee, and a free lunch will be provided 致所有参与者.

We encourage interested faculty and students, including those who may not want to present, to 参加 and learn more about research going on in our Gulf area. 更多的 information, please contact one of the local organizers:

30th Mini-Conference Announcement

当? Thursday, April 20, 2023
在哪里? University of 南 Alabama
Terrace Room in Student Center
Registration and abstract submission:
Submit your abstract to 之前 星期五, 4月14日.
Please also send an email, including your name and affiliation, if you just wish to 参加.



更多的 information, please go to